How to get comfortable with your felting needles

January 27, 2022

When I started needle felting, I was very afraid of stabbing myself and it made me nervous. It’s healthy to respect your needles but you need to get comfortable using them. Here are some tips that will help you gain confidence, relax, and enjoy using your needles.

  • Stay focused on your felting. Don’t look away and keep stabbing. It only takes a second to accidentally hit your finger.
  • Consider using finger protectors or a Grab and Stab from Sarafina Fiber Arts. I LOVE my Grab and Stab.
  • Use the right felting needle for the task you’re trying to accomplish.
  • Try to move your needle in and out at the same angle. Start slow and get comfortable with the motion and the feel of the wool compressing.
  • Don’t stab deeper than you need to.
  • Try using a needle holder. They can be more ergonomic and give you better control. Plus, some of them are really beautiful.
  • Practice felting by making shapes like balls, rectangles, eggs or cylinders.

Last Updated on June 22, 2024